Budget-Friendly Cheap Landscape Ideas for Your Home

Budget-Friendly Cheap Landscape Ideas for Your Home

Who doesn't love a beautiful landscape? But the landscaping cost can quickly add up, making it an unaffordable luxury for many homeowners. However, you don't necessarily have to spend a fortune to have a stunning outdoor space.

In this blog, we will share 15 budget-friendly cheap landscape ideas that won't break the bank but still make your yard look impressive. From using mulch for ground cover and growing veggies in raised beds to DIY garden art and decorations, we've got you covered with some amazing ideas that are easy on the pocket.

What are Cheap Landscape Ideas?

Cheap landscape ideas are the best way to enhance the beauty and functionality of your outdoor space without breaking the bank. Some affordable ideas include adding a layer of mulch to garden beds, repurposing materials like bricks or stones to create hardscaping elements, incorporating low-cost annuals or long-lasting perennials, building raised garden beds, using lighting to add ambiance, and using groundcovers to add texture and color.

By incorporating these and other cheap landscape ideas, you can create a beautiful and functional outdoor space that reflects your personal style and enhances the value of your property.

How much does Landscaping Cost?

The cost of landscaping can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the size and complexity of the project, the materials used, and the property's location.

For a basic landscaping project, such as installing a few plants and minor hardscaping elements, the cost can range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.

However, for a more elaborate project that includes a variety of hardscaping and softscaping elements, such as a custom-built outdoor kitchen, a water feature, and extensive plantings, the cost can easily exceed tens of thousands of dollars.

15 Best Cheap Landscape Ideas

Install a PowerGazebo to Save Money

With a PowerGazebo from ARKA Energy, homeowners can experience a seamless blend of luxury, sustainability, and cost savings. By harnessing the power of the sun, the PowerGazebo not only provides a stylish outdoor living space but also helps reduce energy bills.

With integrated solar panels, the PowerGazebo generates clean, renewable energy to power outdoor lighting, heating, and other electrical appliances, offering significant savings on utility bills over time. Moreover, the PowerGazebo's eco-friendly design reduces reliance on traditional energy sources, contributing to a greener, more sustainable future.

Benefits of PowerGazebo :

  • Sustainable everyday solution
  • Can be used to power lights, ventilation, and much more with solar heat
  • Reliable for long-term use
  • Compliments the modern exterior very well  
  • Provides shade and shelter to enjoy comfortable seating arrangement
  • Creates an inviting and modern space that is both appealing and functional
Learn more about PowerGazebo👆🏿

Mulch for ground cover

Using mulch as a ground cover is an affordable and practical solution to many landscaping issues. Not only does it prevent weed growth, but it also helps retain moisture in the soil, reducing the need for frequent watering.

Additionally, there are many types of mulch to choose from, including wood chips, bark, and shredded leaves, each with its own range of colors and textures that can add visual interest to your landscape design.

Plant from seeds

Starting a beautiful garden doesn't have to be expensive, and planting seeds is an excellent way to save money while creating a stunning landscape. Choosing the right seeds for your local climate and soil conditions is key to ensuring that you have healthy plants that will thrive in your garden.

Consider purchasing seeds online or at your local gardening store, and plant them during the appropriate season for the best results.

Recycled materials for decoration

Using recycled materials for decoration is an excellent way to give your landscape design a unique and eco-friendly flair without breaking the bank. Recycling old tires, pallets, and concrete pieces is cost-effective and contributes to reducing landfill waste.

Additionally, repurposing containers like old buckets or jars as planters add character to your outdoor space while keeping unwanted items out of the trash bin.

Grow veggies in raised beds

Raised beds are an excellent way to grow your own vegetables without breaking the bank. They are easy to build and require less water than traditional gardens, making them ideal for budget-conscious gardeners.

You can use various materials to construct raised beds, including wood, brick, or stone. Recycled materials such as old tires or pallets can also be used to create a unique and budget-friendly raised bed.

Vertical gardening

Vertical gardening is a great way to add greenery to small spaces and create a unique focal point in your landscape. Unlike traditional gardens, vertical gardens are grown upwards rather than outwards.

This saves space and makes for an eye-catching display that can be enjoyed from multiple angles. Depending on the look you're trying to achieve, you can use various materials for vertical gardening, such as pallets, trellises, or hanging baskets.

Natural borders (rocks/logs)

Natural borders made of rocks or logs are a great way to add character and charm to your outdoor space without breaking the bank. These budget-friendly options can be used to define garden beds and pathways or even create a barrier between different areas of your yard.

Not only do they offer an organic and rustic look, but they also require minimal maintenance.

Compost for soil improvement

Inexpensive and eco-friendly, composting is an excellent way to enhance soil quality. You can use kitchen scraps, yard waste, and other organic materials to create compost.

Compost adds nutrients and organic matter to the soil, making it more fertile, improving drainage, and helping it retain moisture. In addition to its many benefits for your garden, composting is also good for the environment since it reduces waste by diverting organic matter from landfills.

Inexpensive annuals for color

Adding color to your landscape doesn't have to be expensive. Inexpensive annuals are a great way to brighten your garden without breaking the bank. These flower beds come in various colors and can be easily grown from seeds or transplants.

Mix them with perennials or create an entire garden bed with them. Zinnias, marigolds, and petunias are some of the most popular inexpensive annuals you can use.

Rain barrel for watering

When it comes to watering your different types of plants, there are few things more cost-effective and environmentally friendly than a rain barrel. By collecting rainwater, you can reduce your water bill and minimize your impact on the environment.

Rain barrels can be made from various materials and come in different sizes, so you can choose one that fits your needs and budget. So consider investing in a rain barrel as an affordable and easy way to hydrate your garden.

DIY fountain focal point

A DIY fountain can add a stunning visual piece to your landscape without breaking the bank. Not only is creating a fountain affordable, but it’s also relatively easy and can be done using simple materials.

You can use a small pond liner or a large bowl as the fountain's base, with a simple pump and tubing for water flow. Add decorative items such as rocks, plants, and statues to add a unique personalized touch to your fountain.

Reuse old containers

Repurposing old containers such as buckets, cans, and even tires can be a reat way to save money on expensive planters. Plus, it's an environmentally friendly option that helps reduce waste.

These container gardens can be painted or decorated to add a unique touch to your landscape design. You can use them to create raised garden beds or vertical gardens or simply place them around your yard for added visual interest.

DIY path (gravel/mulch)

Creating a DIY walkway using gravel or mulch is one of the best cheap landscape ideas for homeowners on a budget. A well-designed path can easily transform your small backyard into an inviting and relaxing space.

Gravel paths are easy to install and maintain and provide excellent drainage. Mulch paths, on the other hand, retain moisture and add texture to your landscape design. When designing your path, consider choosing materials that complement your home's architecture and landscape style while creating a natural flow throughout the yard.

Ground cover instead of grass

Maintaining a lush green lawn can be a time-consuming and expensive task. Ground cover plants or ornamental grasses can make an excellent alternative to traditional grass lawns.

Not only do they require less maintenance, but they also add visual interest to your landscape. Ground covers like creeping thyme, clover, and sedum are popular options that are more drought-resistant and have deeper roots than grass, allowing them to retain moisture in the soil more efficiently.

Free/low-cost gardening resources

Gardening can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be. Many free or low-cost gardening resources are available to help you save money while still achieving a beautiful landscape.

Community gardens are a great way to grow your own fruits and vegetables without the cost of purchasing a plot of land. Seed exchanges and plant swaps are also popular among gardeners looking for affordable ways to diversify their collections.

Additionally, using recycled materials like old pallets or tires can be a cost-effective way to create raised beds or unique garden features that add character and interest to your landscape.

DIY garden art/decorations

DIY garden art and decorations can be affordable and fun to add a personal touch to your patio. With some creativity and resourcefulness, you can repurpose old items like tires, pallets, and even broken pottery to create unique garden art.

Natural materials such as rocks, pebbles, and driftwood can also be used to create interesting sculptures or pathways. In addition to adding visual interest, DIY garden art and decorations can attract wildlife to your yard.

Pros & Cons of Cheap Landscape Ideas


Implementing budget-friendly front yard landscaping ideas can offer numerous benefits. Not only can it help you save money, but it can also add value and beauty to your home's exterior. Using recycled materials like old tires or pallets or growing your own plants from seed can add unique touches to your landscape.

Additionally, DIY projects such as building a garden bed or retaining wall can save you money on labor costs. You can achieve a beautiful outdoor space without breaking the bank with some creativity and effort. So consider cheap landscape ideas to spruce up your yard and enhance your home's curb appeal.


While cheap landscape ideas can be a cost-effective way to beautify your home's exterior, they may have some downsides. One issue is the potential need for more durability and longevity compared to more expensive options.

Low-quality materials used in budget-friendly landscaping ideas may break or wear down quickly, leading to the need for frequent replacements. Additionally, a limited budget may restrict the scope of your project, resulting in a less impressive final product.

It's important to weigh these cons against the benefits before deciding on your landscaping approach.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, creating a beautiful landscape does not have to break the bank. You can easily transform your outdoor space on a budget with creativity and resourcefulness.

There are endless possibilities, whether using recycled materials for decoration, growing veggies in raised beds, or opting for ground cover instead of grass.

Although there may be some cons to cheap landscaping ideas, such as limited options and less durability, the pros outweigh them by offering an environmentally-friendly approach and cost-effective solutions.

So why wait? Start your budget-friendly landscaping today! For more inspiration on cheap landscape ideas, check out our free guide. For more information and such articles, visit our website, ArkaEnergy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the easiest Landscaping to maintain?

Xeriscaping is one of the easiest landscaping options to maintain. This involves using plants that are native to your area and require less water. Mulching and using ground covers can also help reduce maintenance needs.

Other low-maintenance landscaping options include rock, succulent, and perennial beds. These options require minimal watering, pruning, and fertilizers, making them perfect for those who want a beautiful yard without much upkeep.

How can I make my garden look nice, cheaply?

Consider using potted plants and flowers to add color and variety to make your garden look nice on a budget. Repurposing old items like tires or pallets into planters or decor is also cost-effective.

Planting low-maintenance ground cover like clover or thyme instead of expensive grass can save money in the long run. DIY projects like creating a rock garden or building your own garden furniture are also great ways to add character to your space without breaking the bank.

With some creativity, you can make your garden look beautiful while sticking to a budget.

Where can I find free plants for Landscaping?

There are several ways to find free plants for landscaping. You can start by looking for plant swaps or exchange groups in your local community. Check with local nurseries or garden centers for leftover plants or cuttings they may be willing to give away.

Another option is to ask friends and family if they have any extra plants they are willing to give away.

Additionally, you can search classified ads or online marketplaces where people may be giving away free plants. With a little effort and creativity, you can find plenty of options to help you create the perfect landscape without breaking the bank.

How much does it cost to hire a Landscape architect?

The cost of hiring a landscape architect can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the architect's experience and qualifications, the project's size and complexity, and the property's location.

Hiring a landscape architect can generally range from $50 to $200 per hour, with some architects charging a flat fee for specific services or a percentage of the total project cost.

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About The Author
ritik n.
Written By
Chinoyaka J.
Content Writer
Chinoyaka is a captivating content writer and sustainable living expert. With a flair for storytelling and a passion for eco-friendly solutions, she inspires readers to embrace greener lifestyles. She finds solace in nature's beauty when not writing, fueling her creativity and commitment to a more sustainable future.
ritik n.
Reviewed By
Ritik N.
Digital Marketing Specialist
Ritik is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Arka Energy, merging his professional prowess with a deep passion for sustainable living and solar energy. Advocating for renewable solutions, Ritik channels his expertise to promote eco-consciousness and advance the adoption of solar energy for a brighter future.

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